Thursday, 17 November 2016


                 Many of us must have not thought this question . Have you? Border can be in every sense not just in one conclusion.  Most of the conflicts today is due to man itself . And it's true!!  Even natural calamities do not harm us that bad. Did you all notice how we differentiate each other on so many different basis?  There are borders and boundaries for religion , language , country , city, village and most importantly our thinking. Privacy  forms a different issue altogether.  Why is man always living under the fear of being invaded by another person which makes him create such barriers? Nature was one continuous land , it is we who have divided it with so called territories and areas.  Religions were made for peace ,love , establishing ourselves and not for competing in daily life with each other as to whose culture is the greatest.  Humans have not used religion in a constructive way. He creates enemies of his own instead of being friendly. If we did not confront ourselves to only limited beliefs , we would have become much wiser . Truth is that man does this for his selfish needs to conquer others . But it is we who can act accordingly and not let others control our lives. I have been a victim to many such things but I have fought them bravely without letting it affect my life .I would like to live freely .Cheer up . let's forgot the ugly facts and try to be peaceful.  The ahead topics will help to describe this precisely and what experiences I have been through.    

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Friendship is not just having a special bond ,
Friends are not just to talk,
They will not be  just for having fun,
Friends were not for having birthday treats.

Friendship is not about fighting amongst themselves,
They are not  for use as gadgets to share only your sorrows ,
A friend wasn't made to only  keep hidden secrets about yourselves,
They would not be present to only  wipe your tears .

They are not just for giving you relationship advices ,
A buddy did not use you just for having your notes,
Friends would never put a person down intensionally,
Friendship is not only for being used as a shield during troubles.

A true friend never remembers you  just  for your looks,
Best friends would never choose their mates according to their wealth,
They would laugh at you in person ,
But would never let the world defeat you.

Friendship is not just in school or college,
It  was not only about having car and bike rides ,
Friends would not be just for sharing problems all the time,
They are not just for helping you enjoy life better .

BECAUSE friendship cannot be described in one word,
It can not be explained with just one instance ,
It cannot be termed like definations ,
Friendship is a huge gift, do not lose it,
Humans would not enjoy life without having friends,
Because without friends , there would be no life.